Sales Tax Audit Defense & Appeals


Sales and use tax audits present huge challenges to public and private companies alike.  Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a small restaurant chain, the sales tax auditor will eventually show up.  The consultants at Resolve Sales Tax, LLC have successfully defended hundreds of companies before the California Department of Tax & Fee Administration (formerly State Board of Equalization), as well as other state agencies around the country, resulting in millions of dollars worth of reductions in audit liabilities for our clients.

Our success stems from a two-pronged approach to the audit.  In addition to contesting items scheduled in the audit working papers, we uncover hidden credits and overpayments of sales or use tax which can be used to offset the audit liability.  Because auditors are paid to assess tax, these hidden credits are often overlooked.  As a result, even when an audit liability appears rock solid, there are usually opportunities to reduce the audit assessment.

At the outset of the engagement, we will tailor an audit defense strategy to fit your specific needs.  We offer sales and use tax audit defense services beginning with a pre-audit review all the way through the appeals process, settlement, or formal hearing before the Office of Tax Appeal or other appropriate state agency.  We also provide sales and use tax consulting services, such as legal research and requests for opinion.

Our partners and staff include former California State Board of Equalization auditors, and consultants and managers from the “Big 4″, as well as some of the largest state & local tax firms in the world.  We know how sales tax auditors think and the best ways to minimize or offset audit deficiencies.

The best time to involve us is before the auditor arrives; however, we can reduce the liability at any stage, even after the audit liability has been paid.


* Sales Tax Auditors and “Big 4″ Public Accounting Experience
* Credits will be Uncovered to Offset Liability
* Contingent or “Recovery Based” Fees (i.e., no recovery, no fee)

California State Board of Equalization Hearing - Presentation by Graham Hoad