About us

Who we are and What we do

We Resolve Sales Tax issues.  Whether your company has been selected for a sales & use tax audit, is facing multistate nexus issues, or is confused about the taxability of transactions in any jurisdiction, we are here to help.

Graham Hoad founded Resolve Sales Tax, LLC in 2022 after spending 22 years as the President/CEO of a successful multistate sales tax consulting firm.  Prior to forming RST, Graham was a Multistate Sales Tax Consultant with Deloitte & Touche, LLP, and before that, he was a California Sales Tax Auditor with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (formerly California Board of Equalization).

Our goal is simple: Resolve sales tax issues efficiently, effectively.  We look forward to partnering with you.


Audit Defense | Representation Services

Received a Notice of Audit?  Notice of Determination, or Notice of Collection Action?  Our holistic approach to audit management ensures the most favorable outcome for you.

CPA's & Tax Professionals | We Partner with You

We partner with CPA’s to ensure your clients receive the highest level of professionalism and service.  We are your trusted sales & use tax partner.

Multistate Issues | Nexus

South Dakota v. Wayfair changed literally everything.  Companies are now required to register, collect and file sales tax in more states than they ever dreamed of, even if they never leave their home state!  We have solutions to determine where and when your filing obligation began, and how to fix past exposure.

Taxability Research | Sales Tax Consulting

Have questions about whether to tax, or pay tax, on a specific transaction?  We have the tools and experience to get you the answers you need.